90% of guests at Beverley Holidays are arriving on park with the app already installed!
Claire Flower
Director, Beverley Holidays
Create personalised holiday itinerary and get instant access to helpful park information, facility locations, local attractions, FAQs and local weather.
Highlight favourite facilities and attractions before you arrive. Explore an interactive map of the park enabling them to know where everything is located and never be far away from the action.
Log in with their booking details before they arrive break and view booking details and any balance that is remaining. Plus they can also count down the number of sleeps until their stay.
“We are delighted with how well this has been received and the great reviews it is attracting!
We believe it is unique in the holiday park sector.
90% of guests at Beverley Holidays are arriving on park with the app already installed – which means there is already a relationship made with guests – before they have even arrived!
Launching our first ever app was a bit of a leap into the unknown for us. However, the two thousand plus downloads and 5-star reviews we’ve seen just in the first few weeks, has shown that this is a great new tool for us to connect with our guests, and a worthy addition to our suite of digital channels”.
Claire Flower – Director, Beverley Holidays

Including these handy features, providing guests:
- A run-down of their brilliant holiday park facilities
- Pre-booking for on-park activities for each day of their stay
- Order takeaway from The Catch with Click & Collect service
- Switch on notifications to receive special offers
- Get their bearings with the handy park map
- Discover favourite local attractions, beaches and more
- Manage bookings and countdown to their stay
You can download it now from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Apple App Store – https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/id1497307162
Google Play Store – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=digital.key.beverley
Find out more by visiting the Beverley Holidays Website